What You Should Know About Surgical Orthodontics

by | Jun 12, 2023 | Orthodontics

Surgical orthodontics, also known as orthognathic surgery, is a specialized branch of dentistry that combines orthodontic treatment with surgical procedures to correct severe jaw and facial irregularities. This powerful treatment option can address a wide range of issues, including malocclusion, jaw discrepancies, and facial asymmetry. Surgical orthodontics is often recommended when conventional orthodontic treatment alone cannot fully correct the underlying problem. If you’re considering surgical orthodontics or want to learn more about this transformative procedure, you’ve come to the right place. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the world of surgical orthodontics, covering everything from its benefits and candidacy requirements to the procedure itself and what to expect during recovery.

1. Understanding Surgical Orthodontics

Surgical orthodontics is a comprehensive approach that combines orthodontic treatment with oral and maxillofacial surgery. It aims to correct significant jaw discrepancies, misalignments, and facial asymmetry that cannot be fully addressed by orthodontic appliances alone. This integrated approach involves a close collaboration between an orthodontist and an oral and maxillofacial surgeon to achieve optimal results.

2. The Benefits of Surgical Orthodontics

Surgical orthodontics offers numerous benefits for individuals with severe jaw irregularities. Some key advantages include:

– Improved Jaw Alignment: Surgical orthodontics can correct jaw misalignments, allowing for better function and proper occlusion (bite).

– Enhanced Facial Aesthetics: By repositioning the jaws, surgical orthodontics can improve facial symmetry and harmony, leading to a more balanced appearance.

– Speech and Chewing Improvement: Correcting jaw irregularities can enhance speech clarity and chewing efficiency, improving overall oral function.

– Resolution of Breathing Difficulties: In cases where jaw discrepancies contribute to obstructive sleep apnea or other breathing problems, surgical orthodontics can help alleviate these issues.

3. Candidacy for Surgical Orthodontics

Not everyone is a candidate for surgical orthodontics. The treatment is typically recommended for individuals with severe jaw discrepancies, such as:

– Overbite or underbite: When the upper or lower jaw significantly protrudes or recedes, surgical orthodontics may be necessary to achieve proper alignment.

– Open Bite: An open bite occurs when the upper and lower teeth do not touch when the jaws are closed. Surgical orthodontics can correct this condition.

– Facial Asymmetry: If there is a noticeable asymmetry in the facial features due to jaw misalignment, surgical orthodontics can help achieve a more balanced appearance.

– TMJ Disorders: In some cases, surgical orthodontics may be recommended to address temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders that are causing pain and dysfunction.

4. The Surgical Orthodontics Procedure

The surgical orthodontic procedure is typically divided into three phases:

– Pre-surgical Orthodontics: Before the surgery, the orthodontist will use braces or other orthodontic appliances to align the teeth and prepare the jaws for surgery. This phase may take several months or longer, depending on the case.

– Surgical Phase: The actual surgery is performed by an oral and maxillofacial surgeon in a hospital setting under general anesthesia. The surgeon will reposition the jaws and, if necessary, modify the facial bones to achieve the desired alignment.

– Post-surgical Orthodontics: After the surgery, the patient will continue orthodontic treatment to fine-tune the bite and ensure long-term stability. This phase may involve wearing braces or other appliances for several months or more.

5. Recovery and Results

Recovery from surgical orthodontics will vary from person to person. Swelling, discomfort, and limited jaw movement are common in the immediate postoperative period. It’s important to follow the surgeon’s post-surgical instructions for optimal healing. Over time, the swelling will subside, and as the orthodontic treatment progresses, the final results will become evident. The comprehensive treatment approach of surgical orthodontics can provide long-lasting, life-changing improvements in both oral function and facial aesthetics.

The Bottom Line

Surgical orthodontics offers a powerful solution for individuals with severe jaw irregularities that cannot be fully corrected with orthodontic treatment alone. By combining orthodontics with oral and maxillofacial surgery, this integrated approach can transform both the function and aesthetics of the jaw and face. If you think you may benefit from surgical orthodontics, consult with an orthodontist or oral and maxillofacial surgeon experienced in this field. They will evaluate your specific needs, discuss the treatment plan, and guide you through the transformative journey of surgical orthodontics.
