How Does Early Orthodontic Treatment Contribute To Your Child’s Dental Health?

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Early Dental Treatment

As parents, we all want the best for our children’s health, and dental care is no exception. One aspect of dental care that often gets overlooked is orthodontic treatment. Many people assume that braces are only necessary during the teenage years, when all adult teeth have come in, but did you know that early orthodontic treatment can contribute significantly to your child’s dental health? In this blog post, we’ll explore what early orthodontic treatment entails, who should receive it, when it should be administered, and how it benefits your child’s overall oral hygiene routine. Let’s dive in!

What is Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment is a dental procedure that helps correct misaligned teeth and jaws in children. This type of treatment is usually administered to kids between the ages of 7-11 when their permanent teeth are still growing.

Early orthodontic treatment can help fix a range of issues, such as overcrowding, crossbites, underbites, overbites, and open bites. The main objective of this treatment is to address these problems before they worsen or become more complicated to treat later on.

One commonly used form of early orthodontic treatment is braces. Braces are placed on the child’s teeth for a certain period of time until the desired alignment has been achieved. Another popular option is Invisalign aligners, which can be easily removed by your child during meal times and brushing.

Early orthodontic treatment can be highly effective in preventing future dental problems; it not only contributes to improving your child’s oral health but also their overall well-being!

Who Should Have Early Orthodontic Treatment?

Early orthodontic treatment is not for everyone, but it can be beneficial for children with certain dental issues. One of the most common reasons for early orthodontic treatment is to correct bite problems. If your child has an overbite or underbite, they may benefit from early intervention.

Another group that could benefit from early orthodontic treatment are children with crowded or crooked teeth. By starting treatment before all permanent teeth have come in, there is more space available to shift teeth into their proper positions.

Children who have difficulty speaking clearly due to dental issues may also need early orthodontic treatment. Misaligned teeth and jaw problems can make it difficult for children to form certain sounds correctly.

If your child has a habit of sucking their thumb or using a pacifier beyond age three, this can lead to misalignment of the teeth and should be addressed through early orthodontic treatment.

It’s important to note that every case is unique, and only a qualified dentist or orthodontist can determine if your child needs early orthodontic treatment.

When Should Early Orthodontic Treatment be Administered?

Early orthodontic treatment should be administered when a child is around 7 years old. At this age, the child’s mouth and jaw are still developing, which makes it easier to correct any potential issues.

By catching dental problems early on, your child’s orthodontist can prevent more severe issues from arising in the future. For example, overcrowding or misaligned teeth can cause speech difficulties, difficulty chewing or biting down properly, and even lead to gum disease.

Early intervention can also help shorten the duration of treatment needed as your child grows older. By using growth modification techniques such as palatal expanders or headgear at an earlier stage in development, these devices can guide tooth eruption and improve facial symmetry for optimal results.

It’s important to schedule regular checkups with an orthodontist during childhood so that any potential issues can be identified early on. This will not only help ensure proper oral health but could also save you time and money in the long run by preventing more serious dental procedures later on.

How Is Early Orthodontic Treatment Beneficial For Your Child?

Early orthodontic treatment can provide significant benefits for your child’s dental health. By addressing any issues with their teeth or jaw early on, you can prevent more serious problems from developing later in life.

One of the primary benefits of early orthodontic treatment is improved oral hygiene. Misaligned teeth can be difficult to clean properly, which increases the risk of cavities and gum disease. Straightening your child’s teeth makes it easier for them to brush and floss effectively.

Early orthodontic treatment can also improve your child’s self-esteem and confidence. Crooked or misaligned teeth can make children feel self-conscious about their appearance, especially as they get older. By correcting these issues early on, you can help your child feel more confident in social situations.

Another benefit of early orthodontic treatment is improved speech development. Teeth that are out of alignment or a misaligned jaw can affect how your child speaks and pronounces words correctly.

Early orthodontic treatment may reduce the need for more extensive treatments later in life, such as braces or surgery. Addressing any issues with your child’s teeth while they are young reduces the chances of complications arising when they are adults.

Investing in early orthodontic treatment for your child sets them up for a lifetime of good dental health and well-being.


Early orthodontic treatment is an essential part of maintaining your child’s dental health. By addressing any issues with their teeth and jaws at a young age, you can prevent more severe problems from developing in the future. Not only does this benefit their oral health, but it can also lead to improved self-esteem and confidence as they grow up.

Remember to take your child for regular check-ups with an orthodontist starting at around seven years of age so that any potential problems can be identified and treated early on. It’s important to prioritize your child’s dental health now so that they can have healthy teeth and gums for life.
